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vidIQ Review

vidIQ, similar to TubeBuddy, is an instrument that furnishes valuable information to YouTubers with the objective of assisting them with getting perspectives and supporters. With the end goal of this survey, I attempted the vidIQ 'Lift' plan and tried out each component, as point by point underneath. Keep perusing for a summary of how vidIQ functions, the principle examines individuals have asked regarding it, lastly my decision on how great it is.

Step by step instructions to utilize vidIQ
To start with, go to and make a record. I suggest marking in with your Google account, a similar one you use for your YouTube. You'll at that point need to give it authorizations for it to take a gander at your YouTube account:

At that point there are the accompanying primary highlights, or segments, that you can take a gander at in the vidIQ dashboard:

  • Keywords
  • Competitors
  • Subscribers (Boost and Boost+)
  • SEO (Boost and Boost+)

I'll clarify what every one of these are.

Keywords: Enter a Keyword, and vidIQ will show you moving recordings for that catchphrase, just as recommend a not insignificant rundown of related watchwords with their inquiry volume, rivalry and by and large score. Here's a model for the Keyword "anxiety":

I was very intrigued with vidIQ here, as it returned with a huge load of catchphrases and the general score metric they give for every keyword (see the "Overall" section in the screen capture above) is super-helpful. This fundamentally gauges how alluring the catchphrase is as indicated by vidIQ, considering obviously the pursuit volume and rivalry. You would then be able to sort by and large score from most noteworthy to least to possibly distinguish some excellent Keyword to make recordings about:

Similarly as with TubeBuddy, notwithstanding, I don't know how exact vidIQ's pursuit volume gauges are.

Competitors: you can include any channel YouTube and get the accompanying data on them (returning 1 year):

  • Views
  • Subscribers
  • Videos
  • Average daily views
  • Average subscribers/day
  • Average videos/day

This is all pleasantly introduced in diagrams. Here's an illustration of me taking a gander at aggregate perspectives for one channel throughout the most recent year:

You can also compare multiple channels:

Subscribers: gives the accompanying information:

  1. Top recordings watched by your endorsers
  2. Top channels watched by your endorsers
  3. Best occasions to post

Shockingly as my YouTube channel was viewed as excessively little, vidIQ didn't return with anything for these. I don't know whether this would return with much astonishing information, however it might actually help you find huge directs and recordings in your specialty that you might not have thought about.

SEO: Mainly centers around labels and distinguishing recordings that may require advancement.
Is vidIQ safe?
vidIQ ought to be entirely protected. I have not perused any reports of it taking your information or bargaining your record, and saw nothing that concerned me during my testing of it.
vidIQ Chrome expansion

The vidIQ Chrome expansion shows you the accompanying:

Very helpful, however not carefully vital (this expansion is only for accommodation, as you can do all that it does in the real vidIQ dashboard). There is likewise a vidIQ extension for Firefox.

Get Your FREE vidIQ account᠍

Disclaimer: Some of the links on this page are affiliate links, which means that I will receive a small commission if you purchase from one of my recommendations (at no extra cost to you). In fact, a lot of the time I’ve found exclusive deals that will save you money!


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